Does your writing feel totally academic, corporate, or just plain ol’ BORING?
Though I now get compliments all the time on how my writing “makes you want to jump up and down” (an actual reader comment!), I used to be a boring, academic, corporate-sounding writer.
I swear it.
In college I worked as a writing consultant where I assisted undergraduates, graduate students, and various academics with their academic writing.
In academia, nearly every writing lesson you learn has the ultimate goal of eradicating your personality from your writing.
Don’t get me wrong, I learned a ton from working as an academic writing consultant. I use a lot of the skills I learned to teach entrepreneurs how to write amazing sales pages.
However, when I finished school and started blogging, it took me several months to “unlearn” every stylistic rule I’d learned about writing for 16 years of education.
(That’s a lot of rules to break! Even for me.)
No matter how much you’ve struggled to add more personality and pizazz to your writing, you can get better at it! I’m showing you how in today’s video:
Hate writing? Here’s how to “get in the mood”: from @CourtRJ
My fave writing trick: Record yourself talking! Cures writer’s block instantly. @CourtRJ
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