Do you ever feel like it’s all been done before?
One of the hardest parts of starting a business is figuring out your angle, your shtick, your thing that makes you different and desirable.
It often seems like it’s all been done before. Do you have to do something tacky or niche yourself into a pigeonhole you hate in order to stand out?
Here’s the key: you have to be different and desirable.
This means offering a solution in a way that no one has ever seen before and in a way that solves a major headache about the way most people in your industry do things.
All great businesses do both things.
For example, Uber. They’re different in that they’re an app for cabs! You can now hail a cab electronically. THAT IS COOL.
But they’re also desirable. This app finally gives the client some control over hailing a cab that they never had before (and was totally frustrating).
Click “play” on the video below to get my 6 best strategies for standing out from the crowd:
Get known for one thing only. @CourtRJ
I couldn’t care less what my competitors are doing! @CourtRJ
Your industry annoys people. Figure out how to fix that and you’re golden. @CourtRJ
#1 – Get known for one specific thing. Don’t be the jane of all trades within your niche. (Often people do this!) If you’ve got a shtick, go all in. What are you REALLY passionate about in your industry? What made you want to go into this industry in the first place? The answer to these questions will give you some clues.
#2 – Do not compare your products + services + packages + programs to your competitors / other people in your industry. IGNORE THEM and use your common sense.
#3 – What annoys people about how most people do things in your industry? Solve that problem. (Sales Page CPR, for example, fixes the problem that most entrepreneurs actually DO want to write their own sales copy + have a copywriter help them make it great).
#4 – Use a unique delivery method. Is everyone in your industry creating an eCourse? Create a live workshop. Is everyone doing wedding photography? Why not try a new market, like headshots for entrepreneurs?
#5 – Get inspired from things outside of your realm of influence (nature, vacation, fiction, blogs on different topics, books, TV, conversations with friends).
#6 – Get offline and meet real people. It’ll shock you. You’ll realize people have questions that you never would have realized online. It’s a whole different world.
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