Let’s talk about videos.
Videos are one of the best outlets for packaging up powerful bits of content and also help you connect personally with your audience (which gives you mega brownie points).
So why aren’t you doing video yet?
People tell me all the time that they have been meaning to start making videos but haven’t gotten around to it. (My hunch? Making a video feels daunting to you and you might even be a little freaked out by the idea of putting yourself out there for people to watch.)
I made my first video in August 2013 when I reached my goal of earning $2k per month with my business. I’ve recently re-watched that video and it’s HILARIOUS to see how far I’ve come.
Since then, you may have noticed that I’ve been creating more and more videos.
I want to take you behind the scenes and show you what it takes for me to create one of these videos for The Rule Breaker’s Club.
Hit “play” to get the behind-the scenes scoop on how I create these fancy schmancy videos each week (it’s way easier than you think!):
You don’t need fancy equipment to film video blogs. Get @CourtRJ’s process here: http://ow.ly/RFkNN
I’m so ready to make my next video thanks to these kick-ass tips from @CourtRJ: http://ow.ly/RFkNN
1. Planning. I plan out blog content and create outlines before recording. (I teach you how to create 3 months of blog content in this post). I also try to remember to charge my camera battery + clear my memory card so I’m not scrambling around like an idiot on film day.
2. Batching. Film several videos at a time! The more I do this, the more videos I can do. It takes a while to set up and get in the flow (plus you’ve got to put makeup on) so you might as well take advantage of it while you’re there!
3. Setting up. Keep it simple! You don’t need a bunch of scene changes.
4. Filming. First I rehearse the video once and then I film the second take! I used to do more scripting but it was time consuming and I wasn’t as happy with the result. Instead, I now just look at my outline. This is much faster but you need to practice doing it so you don’t ramble too much.
5. Editing. I upload all of my videos to my external hard drive and use iMovie for editing. Because I film in one take, it’s a pretty simple process: cut off the beginning + end and then add the video intro!
6. What’s my next upgrade? My next step will be to hire an editor to fancy up my videos for me, but for now the process is streamlined and simple enough that I can do it myself for now.
Want to increase the likelihood that you’ll take action on this week’s tips?
1. Outline. Before you hit “record” create a simple outline of what you’d like to talk about. Rehearse it once and then…
2. Just get started. Like, NOW. Honestly, I sometimes don’t know what else to tell people who say, “I want to do video but….” Stop making excuses and do it. Or don’t. Either way no one can force you to do anything you don’t want to do. (I say film!)
3. Make a public declaration. Tell your readers that you’re going to share an extra special video with them next week. They’ll be giddy with excitement (and I promise you, your readers will say the nicest things! And if they don’t, you can take the late Dr. Wayne Dyer’s advice when he says, “What people think about me is none of my business.”).
© Courtney Chaal 2024
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