Are you playing it safe out of fear?
Today is the first day of a brand new year.
And I don’t know about you, but I’m twitching with excitement.
Why? Because I know the next 12 months are EPIC. I can just feel it.
This is the first time in my life that I’ve started a new year feeling like a badass warrior. I’m so freaking prepared for action and ready to act courageously. I’ll do whatever it takes this year to make my dreams come true.
Why do I feel so confident about the next 12 months? Two reasons:
(1) I’m damn prepared, dammit! If you haven’t heard by now, I spent more than 15 hours this month planning the year ahead. Not only do I have goals, but I have step-by-step action plans for making those goals a reality.
(2) I’m all in. There’s no Plan B. I’m so passionate about what I’m doing with The Rule Breaker’s Club that I’m willing to die fighting to make it happen. Plan B is a distraction!
And that brings me to today’s fireside chat / video.
Today is THE day to start anew. I don’t care if you’re reading this on January 1st or August 17th. You get to decide right now to make a change — to make the next 12 months different than the last 12 months.
Feeling on top of the world? Keep the vibe alive by sharing it with the world!
The risk has to equal the desire. @CourtRJ
If you’re doing it right, people will think you’re wackadoodle crazy. @CourtRJ
“Crazy” is good for business. It’s your best selling point. @CourtRJ
Have a lil’ chat with your inner child. What would she tell you to do? What would she wish for you?
Be honest — name one way that you’ve been playing it safe in your business decisions? How are you resisting stepping up to the next level? What seemingly logical reasons are you giving yourself for playing small or being mediocre?
© Courtney Chaal 2024
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