Would you like to get more people opening, clicking on, and engaging with those emails that you spend so much time writing?
I’m sure you’ve heard the statistic that the average person gets 3 trillion emails per day (I kid).
I’m sure you’ve heard people saying “email marketing is dead” or even that “email is dead”.
Personally, I beg to differ. If you’re running an online business (or want to), the NUMBER ONE thing you need to focus on is building your email list. You probably don’t need me to tell you that, though.
You can have a relatively small list and still get high engagement by creating excellent content that people can’t wait to open.
Click “play” on the video below to find out the 6 things you can do to create more engaging emails:
Ready to implement? Grab this checklist and start writing irresistible emails:
Your emails should always come from you, not your business name. In other words, I send emails from “Courtney Johnston” not “The Rule Breaker’s Club”
Why does this matter? Because people connect with other people. People want email from other people. And when you send an email with the from name as your business name, people will feel like they’re being contacted by an organization, not a cool person like you.
The subject line is so, so, SO important. Before you hit “send”, try sending yourself a test email to see how the subject line looks in your inbox amongst all of the clutter.
Is it compelling? Would you open an email with that particular subject line? Is it specific enough? (If you’re not sure, chances are you could make it more specific!)
Dude. Guys. Listen. I’m a copywriter. It’s my j-o-b to tell you to write awesome words.
But here’s the problem: No one wants to read a big ol’ block o’ text on the internet.
Do your reader a favor and break up your marketing email with headlines, bold text, etc. (This is another time when sending yourself a “test” email is a good idea. It’s always easier to scrutinize the email once you see it in the context of your inbox).
Confession: I am the worst at this. You would be shocked to know how often I send emails with broken links or the wrong links. It happens. It’s going to happen. But you can prevent it from causing too much damage by triple checking all of your links before you hit “send”!
This is my goal for every email I send to my subscribers: teach them something that will give them at least one “aha”.
If you’re sending a marketing email or a sales email, you should still be sharing value with people. You can always share a story about your experience that gives people an “aha”. You can give them a few tips. Give them something to walk away with and make them happy they opened your email 🙂
This, my friend, is the whole purpose of writing copy: to get people to take a desired action.
Most of the time in a marketing email, you’ll be asking people to click a link (to view your blog, your sales page, register for your webinar, etc).
Sometimes, though, you might want to tell people to take an “offline” action. Research has shown that it can be very powerful to tell people to write something down, for example.
The lesson: always, always, always give people an action to take!
I’ve created an entire checklist that you can use to implement these tips (plus some bonus tips!) the next time you send a marketing email. Make sure to grab it here:
I can’t wait to see how you’re planning on taking things up a notch 🙂
© Courtney Chaal 2024
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