7 ways to look more pro without spending a single cent.

Book Clients, Copywriting

Build A Client Booking MACHINE


December 12th at 11am PT / 2pm ET


Build A Client Booking MACHINE


December 12th at 11am PT / 2pm ET


  1. Jacqui says:

    Hey hey miss courtney. You know, i have found to be at this point in my biz where i know who i am, i know what i teach, etc but its complete stuckage. It makes me feel a bit like an amateur instead of who i really am which is a professional. The stuckage is in my about page (which in my head is amazing) but writing it gives me ADD. The overwhelm of having to wear all the hats of designer, accountant etc is not my fortay and makes me not do anything. Like total freeze frame. Check out my site…www.jacquiamidon.com and you'll see a simple home page…one blog post written last month, and a blank about page.
    Anyway thank you for you posts….they make me want to light the fire under my ass again. I have a voice dammit and i need to get it out there.

  2. LOVED this. Needed it to.

    Step one: change profile pics to all be the same.

    Step two: make my desk less shameful.

    ON IT!

    Thanks, Courtney!

  3. oops, Needed it toO, I meant!

  4. Amy says:

    I have this thing about peeking at the to-do lists of people around me. I love learning how other people organize their life, so that shot of your daily list made me feel all warm and fuzzy 🙂 I'll be trying out that strategy in my never-ending quest for the perfect to-do list!! Great post Courtney!

  5. Courtney | The Rule Breaker's Club says:

    :: Jaqui! I'm working my buns off to create the Total Knockout Copywriting Course (the course version of the service) which I will walk you though, step-by-step how to do every page on your site. I think you'll find it extremely helpful!

    :: As always, Marsha, you make me smile.

    :: Amy – I do the same thing except with people's apartments 😛

  6. Jacqui says:


  7. Deb says:

    Your tips are always super helpful. Thanks, I need to start everything on this list!!