Newsflash, entrepreneur friend: You cannot do business by yourself.
And I know, I know, I know… if you’re in a place right now where you are TERRIFIED of hiring people, have less than zero dollars to spend on a team, and don’t even know what you’d have them do for you I get it.
I hope you can understand how seriously I GET what it’s like to be a one-woman show with no resources.
So I want to share a bit of a mindset shift for you today.
Hiring a team is about taking your business seriously.
The day that you decide that you’re running a BUSINESS, is the day that you start hiring.
My not-so-secret goal is to get you to stop thinking of yourself as a contractor, freelancer, solopreneur and start thinking of yourself as a BUSINESS OWNER.
Watch the video below to learn my 3 hacks for getting support for free. (As well as some lessons I’ve learned the hard way about hiring team members!)
The best place to start is with a list of sh*t that you HATE doing in your business. It’s totally cathartic, I swear.
Click below to download the worksheet my team and I created for you to help you start outsourcing things you hate doing:
What do you hate doing most in your business?
Remember, you don’t have to love everything about running a business. And you sure as hell don’t have to be good at all of it, either!
© Courtney Chaal 2024
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