Have you ever been inspired to set massive goals only to be totally crushed when you don’t achieve them?
We’ve all been there. (I used to live there!)
Something inspires you to set a really massive goal.
Maybe you choose a revenue goal 3 times more than what you did last year.
Maybe you decide that you’re going to grow your audience 10-fold in the next 6 months.
Maybe you declare that you’re going to double your launch and add 100 new people to your signature program.
At first, you’re super excited. You look in the mirror and tell yourself, “I can do this! I’ve just gotta think BIG!”
This inspiration lasts for a few days before reality starts to set in.
As time goes on, life gets in the way. And life, as we all know, never goes according to plan.
You realize that it’s a lot harder to hit that goal than you originally thought. Maybe you don’t have the right tools or skills yet. Instead of analyzing the external factors, though, you start to doubt your self-worth.
Your launch doesn’t go as planned. Sometimes, the proverbial shit hits the metaphorical fan and you can’t believe that you’ve been dealt such an unlucky hand of cards.
Again, been there done that.
I’ll stop with the silly metaphors now and let you know that there’s nothing wrong with you.
The fact that you didn’t hit your goals in the past doesn’t mean that you are a mediocre human being unworthy of greatness.
The problem is that you set unicorn goals without balancing them out with what I like to call “Goldilocks goals” and  “KLO goals”.
Click play to learn about my Goldilocks goal setting process (and don’t forget to download the goal setting action sheet below! It’s a great one!).
If you don’t reach your goals, it doesn’t mean you’re flawed. http://ow.ly/Wnz3f via @CourtRJÂ
Holy moly – this goldilocks goal setting system is life changing! http://ow.ly/Wnz3f thanks @CourtRJÂ
Do you have unicorn goals without the goldilocks and KLO goals to match? http://ow.ly/Wnz3f via @CourtRJÂ
Don’t forget to grab your Goldilocks Goal setting worksheet!
1. KLO Goal – In other words, this is what you need to achieve in order to “Keep the Lights On”. I set this goal first because it helps me to figure out if the project is worth doing or not. If I don’t think that I can make enough to “keep the lights on”, I know that I need to make some big changes to the project (perhaps increasing the value and price).
2. Unicorn Goal – Now it’s time to dream big! What if all of the stars align and magical things happen? What if you get everything that you want? What is the big, amazing, unicorn goal that you have for this project?
3. Goldilocks Goal –You’ve got a KLO Goal and a Unicorn Goal. Now it’s time to reel it in and create a realistic target (without getting too “out there” and setting yourself up for failure). I often set 2-3 Goldilocks Goals to create a ladder from the KLO Goal to the Unicorn Goal. As my launch goes on, I cross off sections of the ladder when I achieve them! This gamification of goal setting makes it WAY more fun!
© Courtney Chaal 2024
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