Hey, friend. A few years ago, I made a video on eight magic words that make people buy, and it ended up becoming my most popular YouTube video ever. So, I thought, why not make an updated version that’s even more useful, and share five of my favorite language tricks that help you to make more sales?
But wait. Before we get started, I’ve got to make two things crystal clear. Okay, so whatever you might think about the title of this video, it’s not about manipulating people, or being sleazy or pushy, or anything like that. Number two, if you are also an online entrepreneur, offering digital products or services online, you also will want to grab the free download down below in the description box that goes with this video, and it is chock full of headline formulas to help you with your sales copy. Without further ado, let’s get to those copywriting tricks.
All right. Rule number one is that your copy has got to be you-focused. No, I’m not talking about you, as in the person listening. Remember in high school when you were taught to never use the word you in your academic writing? Well, I’ve got a little secret for you. The exact opposite is true in copywriting. When you’re writing sales copy, you’ve got to always be talking to one person. This is going to create an authentic connection between you and your reader, the person you’re talking to.
The second rule you’ve got to follow if you want to get more people to buy from you from your writing is add humor. Humor snaps people out of their thought patterns and gets them to pay attention. And for me personally, humor is just a part of my personality and my brand. You might not find me funny, but it’s still important to me to be able to be myself in my writing.
So, how can you turn a stale, mundane part of your copy into something entertaining? The key is to do it naturally. It’s not about making inappropriate jokes, or adding a bunch of exclamation points. Frankly, it’s just about being yourself.
The third rule I recommend following is what I like to call extreme honesty. This is what is truly going to push people over the fence from not sure if they want to buy from you, to absolutely saying, “Yes.” One way of using extreme honesty is just by being clear on who is and is not a good fit for your offer.
Another trick I love is to use extreme honesty to talk about the downside of your offer. Yes, there’s always a downside. For example, a downside of using the sales page kit, one of my products, to write your sales page, is that you have to do all the work. It’s going to be a lot less expensive than hiring a copywriting, and you’re going to gain some great skills from it, but you do have to put in the work to write the page yourself.
Okay, so this brings me to rule number four, which I like to call super specificity. Hands down, the biggest mistake I see people making in their copy is trying to be way too general in an effort to resonate with more people. But can I tell you the truth real quick? When you try to resonate with everybody, you wind up resonating with no one.
When I write sales copy, I always try to think of three people who are target clients of mine, who I’ve worked with in the past, or I would love to work with in the future, and I think of them specifically when I’m writing the copy. I make a list of all of their qualities and frustrations and desires so that I can mention those specific things in the sales copy. My favorite way of summing this up is with a James Joyce quote: “In the particular lies the universal.”
The fifth and final rule for writing great copy is what I like to call the three-layered cake. The three-layered cake is a metaphor I use to explain that you need to get at different levels of logic and reasoning and emotional connection in order to truly get someone to want to buy from you.
Imagine a three-tiered cake, and each tier of that cake represents a answer to the question, “Why should anyone care about that?” You start off by asking yourself at the top tier, “Why should anybody care about purchasing my offer? What’s in it for them?” Once you have an answer to that, ask yourself the question again. “Why should anyone care about that?” Then, you got it, you’re going to want to do it a third and final time to get your three-layered cake. Ultimately, you’re going to use all the three layers of this cake in your sales copy.
If you follow these five fundamental rules for getting people to want to buy your offers, it’s going to take you a long way. But if you’re an online business owner, creative consultant, entrepreneur of any sorts, you’re also going to want some tangible formulas you can use to start writing that copy. Make sure to go down into that description box of the video in YouTube and grab your copy of my headline cheat sheet, which will give you plug and play formulas for writing your sales copy.
© Courtney Chaal 2024
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