Today’s blog answers a big copywriting question that you’ve certainly had: Should you put the price of your service on your work-with-me page?
A few years ago when I was getting started in the copywriting industry, I worked with a really amazing photographer who had created really well-packaged services in a niche market.
As we discussed her work-with-me page, there was one big concern that she had: Should I put the price or not?
I asked her, “How do you feel about it?”
She told me that in the photography industry many big-name photographers preached that you should never put your prices on your website. At the time, it was clear that most photographers were following this advice. I was hard pressed to find a single photographer whose prices were on their website.
I told my client, “The fact that no other photographers post their prices on their websites is exactly why you ARE going to do it”.
You can probably resonate with the big fear that my client had when I told her she’d be posting her prices on her website:
If I post my price, people won’t read the rest of the page and they’ll click away if it’s too much!
Click “play” on the video to hear what I have to say about putting the price on the page:
There are some good tweets this week! Click to share your favorite one:
“If your copy is good enough, the price is a no-brainer.” – @CourtRJ
“Tell me what I’m getting before telling me what I’m giving.” -@CourtRJ
The whole purpose of your web copy is to sell your offer. Price transparency is sexy. @CourtRJ
#1 Tell them what they’re going to get first. Results first! The big mistake people make is putting the price on the top of the page (thus telling me what I’m giving you before you tell me what I’m going to get for it!).
#2 Make the ROI clear. How is your offer going to enrich my life? Save me time? Make me more money? What is the consequence of not working with you? How is my life going to be closer to my ideal life because of your offer? These are things you must address before giving the price.
#3 Paint a picture of the experience. It’s not just about the ultimate result (in the case of a wedding photographer, this would be the photos). It’s also about the experience of working with you. What does the experience look like from start to finish? You can illustrate this with both words and images if you’d like!
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