Hey friend! In today’s video I’m going to show you the VLOS formula for hosting easy, breezy, high converting sales call formula.
This formula is for you if you ever have to talk to prospective clients or customers on the phone, in person, or even via chat or email.
Click “play” on the video to find out what VLOS stands for and how to use the formula!
Before you walk into a sales conversation or event, remind yourself why your work is valuable so that you can feel calm, cool, and confident talking to your prospective client.
My favorite way to do that is to take a deep breath, think about all of the amazing people I’ve helped in the past, and remind myself of the importance of charging good money for what I do. It’s only when people invest that they get results.
Though you are directing the sales call, the most important thing you can do is LISTEN to what the other person has to say. All you have to do is ask, “Can you tell me a bit about what you’re looking for?” They will tell you the rest.
While you’re listening you will come to understand whether or not you can help this person. Be honest about that and don’t move on to the next step unless the answer is yes.
If, after listening to the prospect, you feel that they would benefit from your services, tell them that you think they’re a good fit. Even better, tell them why you think they’re a good fit so that it feels genuine… because it is!
After doing that, my favorite transition is to ask the prospect, “Would you like me to tell you more about the service?”
At this time, that’s your cue to walk the prospect through the experience of working with you. For this to work, it’s important that you have well packaged, signature offers that are systematized for each client. Your prospective clients will LOVE how organized you are!
And then finally…
I know it’s everyone’s least favorite word, but all you have to do at this point is ask them if they want to book and let them know what they need to do in order to finalize their booking.
In my experience, when I host sales conversations with qualified leads using the VLOS formula, 90% of them say yes to working with me! No convincing or manipulating required
Now that you have the best formula for booking your leads, how about we get you some more leads to have conversations with?
Don’t forget to click the button below to get my ultimate checklist of 64 actions you can take to book clients NOW. There are dozens of things you can do to fill your inbox with the exact people you’d love to work with!
© Courtney Chaal 2024
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