In the summer of 2012 I launched my first online product — an eBook called Résumé Revamp.
Can I tell you a secret? NO ONE BOUGHT MY BOOK.
That’s right, zero.
After months of slaving away, I felt like a total failure. It was after this failed launch that I decided to stop writing résumés and start becoming a copywriting master.
Since then, I’ve launched several more times. I’ve launched an eCourse, many services, and several products as well.
I’ve also been behind-the-scenes on dozens of launches for my clients via Sales Page CPR.
Every time I launch, I get better and better and better at it. (Hint: It takes a lot of preparation and organizing.)
Are you planning a launch for a product or service? Watch today’s video to learn my 5 best launching tips. I wish I’d known these back in 2012!
Sales rule #1: Make sure your product is desireable! via @CourtRJ
Launches have a million moving parts. Plan in advance! via @CourtRJ
1. Make damn sure the offer is desirable + well positioned. Do your market research. Don’t just create something that you think people will want. Beta test if you have to.
2. Prepare as far in advance as possible. I’ve noticed that the more pro people get, the more prepared they are WAY in advance.
3. Break down the project into the smallest action steps. You’ll need to think about marketing, design, copy, your payment systems, and the product itself (can you see how it pays to start early?!)
4. Pay people to help you. Help with copy, design, ads, and admin work saves you time to maintain your vision. You should not be doing work outside of your zone of genius!
5. Take care of yourself. Forgive yourself if it doesn’t go well the first time. Celebrate anyway! You worked hard. (Video on if you didn’t hit your goals)
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