Would you like more people to buy your offers?
When I ask my clients what their #1 goal is for their sales page, some of them tell me they want more strategy. Others share that they’d like the language to sound more authentic.
But it won’t surprise you to hear that ALL of my clients tell me, “I want people to want to buy my product!”
I don’t know about you, but I think that’s a pretty good goal for a sales page!
Would you like more people to read your sales page and think, “Holy crap, I’ve got to buy this!”
Another way of putting it is this:
Raise your hand if you’ve ever launched a product or service and gotten fewer sales than you’d like?
*Everyone who’s ever been in online business raises their hand.*
In today’s video, I’m giving you 3 BIG ways that you can improve your sales page traffic + conversions to increase your sales!
Sales pages are living documents + should be updated constantly! http://ow.ly/V4hZj @CourtRJ
Limited time offers sell WAY more than evergreen ones. http://ow.ly/V4hZj @CourtRJ
Pumped to diagnose my sales page with @CourtRJ’s free “Sales Page Checkup” http://ow.ly/V4hZj
Create a limited time promotion for your offer (not a discount, but a bonus that people can only get for a certain amount of time):
This week’s action sheet is a “Sales Page Checkup” that you can use to self-diagnose whether or not your sales page is going to convert and find the root cause of why it’s not converting as well as it should. Get the action sheet via the button above.
© Courtney Chaal 2024
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