Hola rule breaker!
If you’ve been in this online business world for a nanosecond, you’ve already learned that you need to create opt-in offers (also called freebies, lead magnets, etc).
The problem?
It feels like everything has been done already.
You’re probably wondering: How much should I give away for free? Am I giving too much or not enough? Is my opt-in offer actually giving people a taste of my business as a whole or is it totally unrelated?!
I’ve got your answer to all of these questions in this week’s video.
Your opt-in offer is the first step on the “rainbow bridge”. Learn more http://ow.ly/P2E8R @CourtRJ
Great tips on creating an opt-in offer http://ow.ly/P2E8R by @CourtRJ
1. Specific Result – What are are some really specific results that you can help your readers to achieve with an opt-in offer? It should be measurable!
2. Desired Result – Forget about yourself for a second and think about your audience. What are some results that they would la-la-love to achieve in the next week / month?
3. Quick Result – What are some results that you can help people to achieve FAST? (In an hour, day, week is ideal!)
4. Aligned Result – What does your target audience need to know or learn in order to be ready for the next step of the process (your lower-end paid offer or a more engaged offer like a webinar, perhaps).
© Courtney Chaal 2024
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