The battle cry of every creative person I work with goes a lil’ somethin’ like this:
“Um, Courtney… my work is creative and each of my clients is different so I cannot create a system. Otherwise, I’d have to put people into a box, which I can’t do because like I said, they’re each so unique.”
Uh huh. I always nod my head.
Do you want to know my reply?
I always look at my client with all of the loving kindness in the world and say something like this:
“I totally hear what you’re saying. HOWEVER, do you not think that writing sales pages is creative? Do you not think that each sales page that I work on is unique and different from every other sales page I’ve ever done? Do you think that I’m putting you into a box?”
Here’s the bottom line:
The problem isn’t that your work is too creative or too intuitive (I use a whole whopping dose of intuition in everything that I do). The problem is that your offers aren’t packaged.
Watch today’s video to hear me rant about why and how to package your creative services:
There are 3 big reasons you need to package + systematize your creative services:
Numéro 1 – It shows me what I’m getting when I pay you.
When I hire a service provider, whether it be an accountant, a masseuse, a hair stylist, a coach, a graphic designer, I want to know exactly what I’m getting.
If you don’t create a proper package, and instead, you have something like “3-month coaching with a 60-minute session every week”, I’m left thinking, What on earth am I going to get out of that? Why is it 3 months? Why is there a session every week? What’s the formula? What exactly am I going to do each time? What are the results, my friend?
Numéro 2 – It shows me that you understand the specific thing that I need
I’m not even kidding you — merely by niching down to solve one specific freaking problem you look more pro. That’s because you are solving the specific freaking problem that people want. There’s no competition!
I prefer to hire a colorist to do my highlights than any ol’ hairdresser. (Yes, I go to a different person for my color and cut!)
I prefer to hire an eBook designer to design my eBook than any ol’ graphic designer.
I prefer to work with a health coach who specializes in anti-inflammatory + vegetarian nutrition than any ol’ generalist health coach.
Numéro 3 – It shows that you know your stuff because you have a plan for me already.
Is each individual unique? You bet your bottom dollar!
Is each individual within a specific niche so unique that you can’t develop a formula for solving their problem? NOPE.
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Now that I’ve got you on the systemization wagon, here’s the system for creating your… ahem… system:
As in, what is the final goal of your service? What are you helping people to be / do / have / create?
Example for Sales Page CPR: Super polished, covers-all-the-bases, high-converting sales page copy for your offer.
In Step 1 you figured out where you want to take people. That’s great! The only way to build a system for doing so is by figuring out where they are right now.
Hint: you may have 2-3 categories of people for this one.
For example with Sales Page CPR: Before working with me clients (a) already have a sales page written and/or (b) have launched before and will use my tools to write their sales page after they sign up for Sales Page CPR.
In other words, if you do not fit one of those criteria, you are NOT ready for Sales Page CPR.
This is where you develop your process! (If you’ve done The Rainbow of Sales training, this is literally where you build your rainbow. If you haven’t done The Rainbow of Sales training, you should do that! It’s totally free here).
For example, with Sales Page CPR: First, I send my clients the Sales Page Kit so they can work on their own sales page. Then, I check-up on their sales page to see how they’re doing and ask follow-up questions to get more info. Finally, I do the Sales Page CPR and send the copy back to the client.
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