Have you noticed how it can be hard to make smart decisions in your own business because you can’t see the forest through the trees?
It’s often WAY easier to give advice to other people than it is to see the same problem in your own business.
Because of this issue, there’s a super obvious mistake you might be making on your sales pages.
It’s so obvious, in fact, that you might find it shocking (I sure do!). This is a good thing because it means that it’s easy to fix and will make a BIG WHOPPING difference.
The thing that people forget to put on their sales pages is…
Click “play” on the video to find out.
Is the “curse of knowledge” sabotaging your sales page copy? http://ow.ly/Y7xOG via @CourtRJ
Once you know something, it’s hard to remember what it was like not to know it. http://ow.ly/Y7xOG via @CourtRJ
1) Make a drawing of every step of your product or service. When I revamped Sales Page CPR, I drew out a step-by-step system of EVERYTHING that would happen during the process from the time the client reads the sales page until we get their final feedback or testimonial.
2) Highlight the steps that are touch points with your clients / customers. You’re likely to have more of these for a service than a product, but you still need to highlight each step where the client interacts with your process. (For me, this is when I have calls with my clients, send them specific emails, and send their final sales pages to them).
3) Define the most important steps that the client or customer needs to know about. These are usually the highlighted steps (touch points with the client). These are the steps that you MUST share with your client on your sales page.
4) Paint a picture of what this process looks like from start to finish on your sales page. You don’t need to share every step. You don’t need to share the behind-the-scenes stuff. All you need to share are the parts where the client comes in contact with your business so that they can picture in their mind’s eye what it will look like to work with you.
Check out the XX min Microcast where I walk you through the steps...
Watch the training!
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