You can probably tell that I’m an opinionated person (Scorpio in the house!).
And I’ve got a pretty controversial opinion on one of the “darlings” of the writing world: Writer’s block.
Writer’s block might be the most famous problem that doesn’t exist.
Yep, that’s right — I don’t believe in writer’s block!
Whenever someone tells me they have the infamous “writer’s block,” I always have the same response — “You have a shitty writing process!”
I’ve worked with everyone from high school students to doctoral students to entrepreneurs and more and everyone is making the same mistake when it comes to writing.
Here’s what most people do: Open up a blank Word doc and try to start writing.
You wind up staring at the screen for 5 minutes before giving up because… you have no idea what to say.
It kills me to see people doing this! Don’t do this!
Writer’s block doesn’t exist! Get the “cure” here: @CourtRJ
Huzzah! I’ll never get writer’s block ever again! @CourtRJ
Start with a brainstorm! I personally love freewrites, mind maps, and voice recordings. These are the most natural ways for the brain to come up with ideas. Here’s a big tip: Get away from the computer, write by hand, and don’t judge yourself! No one is going to read your brainstorm!
Create an outline. The next thing that I like to do is outline my content. For blog posts, this means coming up with 3 main bullet points for each video. For sales pages, this means outlining the sections on the page. (At this point you can plug content into the outline as well, but it doesn’t have to be in complete sentences).
Fill in the gaps! Once your outline is finished, it’s time to turn your outline into a draft with complete sentences. (I like to do this by reading out loud. It makes my language sound more natural.)
Revise, revise, revise! If 90% of writing is pre-writing, then 9% is revising! (That leaves only 1% for the actual writing part from step 3). Print out your work and look it over again and again and again.
© Courtney Chaal 2024
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