These four stages aren’t just something that I invented out of thin air — they’re based on the pattern that I’ve seen SO many entrepreneurs go through.
They’re also the stages that I have been through.
In last week’s video I warned you not to skip steps. If you try to move to fast before you’re ready, you’ll wind up coming back to one of the previous stages.
For example, if you’ve been through the process of launching an e-course and it hasn’t gone as planned (so common), you likely came back to offering service. Or maybe you decided to offer a smaller product. You did it because you have to.
So in today’s video I’m sharing the example of how I have been through these stages in my own business. Click play to hear all about it!
Don’t forget to review the worksheet from last week’s video that goes with this one, too!
Writing your own sales copy doesn't have to be painful.
Check out the XX min Microcast where I walk you through the steps...