Wannabe Entrepreneur #4 – The Only Way to Come Up With A Business Idea

Book Clients

Build A Client Booking MACHINE


December 12th at 11am PT / 2pm ET


Build A Client Booking MACHINE


December 12th at 11am PT / 2pm ET


  1. Jacqui says:

    Hey Courtney! Great post and love that you did a video! (hair is super cute btw) Anyhoo….what i find i am struggling with is indeed that "what people will value and spend money on" I have been teaching yoga for the past 10 years and i find that my strengths are in teaching and showing people how to simplify so they can live a wildly beautiful life. On the other hand i have this amazing ability to be and help others tap into themselves and their creativity. I love design and style, and am completely in love with other creatives who create/own their own business. SO i decide to target creatives…and i think…wellness for creatives? encouraging creatives to practice yoga? This is where i get stuck….merging these two together and how….creating something that is awesome and beneficial to my clients so i can earn a living from it. Wow…there is my blah blah. Oh and i must somehow have the ability to travel with what i do. I must must see the world!

  2. Courtney | The Rule Breaker's Club says:

    Go ask them!

    What you need to figure out now is if there are enough people in that niche who would be interested. What PROBLEM are you solving?

    You need to make sure that your service is results oriented so that people know what they're getting out of it ๐Ÿ™‚

    And in order to be sure, I highly recommend going out there and talking to your prospects about what their biggest stressers are.

  3. Jennifer says:

    I am passionate about sharing France and my love for France – the food, the culture, the art, the history – with others.

    I think I would make a fantastic tour guide. I'm slowly working on how to get there. France has so many rules! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thank you for your bright inspiration and generosity. You have been a huge help to me!