The other day I was driving (that’s when I get some of my best ideas), and I realized that it doesn’t matter if you’ve done all of the work from articles #1-5 of the Wannabe Entrepreneur Series if you don’t, ummm CREATE A SERVICE AND OFFER IT TO PEOPLE.
Because it’s like, “Oh my god! How on earth do I create a service that people will buy?” and then they get overwhelmed by the thought of how much work is involved and they QUIT.
I won’t let you quit. You’re different. You were meant for big, big things and this is your chance to start getting naked with your bad self in front of people (not literally of course, unless pornography is your life’s calling. In that case, rock on with your bad self).
1. Get super clear on the RESULT that your clients will receive from working with you.
Again, if you’re a fitness coach, you don’t sell “training”, you sell fitting into your little black dress.
If you’re a jewelry maker, you don’t sell jewelry. You sell looking gorgeous at your sister’s wedding.
If you’re a pop singer, you don’t sell music. You sell dancing in your car while on an epic road trip to release stress and enjoy the hell out of life.
So, what’s the result that I can expect from YOUR new service? (Answer this question even if you’re not 100% sure what you’re service really is).
2. Tell me: Where are your clients at RIGHT NOW in their lives?
What we’re doing here is showing the difference between where they are now and where they want to be.
What specific parts of their life show that they’re not living fully? Get detailed on this.
BONUS: Tell me what this person’s day looks like RIGHT NOW.
3. What steps is YOUR SERVICE going to take to get your client from where they are now to where they want to be?
What are you going to do for them?
In what order?
In order to figure this out I recommend sitting quietly, closing your eyes and picturing working with a client from start to finish. Write down any of the steps that appear in your mind.
4. Outline every process involved with your new service.
Now it’s time to make things official!
Open a document on your computer and start a numbered list of each of the steps that you’ll take in your service.
You may need to create documents, questionnaires, worksheets. This is the kind of prep that you want to do before you offer your service to anyone.
Make sure to save them in a totally profesh place on your computer and Google Drive.
5. Tweak! (Not Twerk).
After you work with a few clients, you’ll notice that you’ll need to update and revise your service processes. That’s normal and totally fine!!
As you work with people, don’t be afraid to get inspired of newer and cooler ways to update your service processes.
If you want, you can also tell us how you came up with the idea. If you have a website, feel free to share that, too!
My darling sunshine, did this article make you giddy with inspiration?
Then it’s your job to share it with others! Spread the l-o-v-e.
© Courtney Chaal 2024
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Nice post Courtney! I've just created Lead Generation Supercharged. It's a 30 day program where I work with you 1:1 to build and implement a strategy that brings in red, hot leads daily so you always know where your next client is coming from. Now it's time to promote it to my gorgeous leads 🙂
Great job, Caylie!!
Hey there! I'm preparing a new package, "Move it to Market" for fashion entrepreneurs who are stuck. The program will take them from product sampling, through branding, market position, costing and a communications plan for launch. Get unstuck, put your product on customer's backs so they can be confident walking down the street feeling hot and enjoying their amazing lives.
Hi Courtney! A friend of mine told me about your site & I love it!
I'm in the process of creating a 6 month coaching program to help new entrepreneurs get their website up, their opt-in created and all those other tasks that new business owners need to do. I came up with the idea after working with a few clients and noticing a common thread amongst them. Learning all those tasks takes a lot of time & I'd like to help them speed up the process so they can start generating income. I don't have a name for it yet, but it's still in the works. My website is
Thanks for the great article!
Hi Courtney! This cheat sheet really helped me to get clear about the steps that I need to take to create my first online programs, Get Unstuck Now and The Mindset Makeover Master Class. I recently completed a case study of the programs, so this experience have provided me with additional insights into the internal blocks and external hurdles that individuals these programs would be marketed to would have to overcome to be successful. Thank you for sharing this cheat sheet.
Heck yes!
It may have been this post or the new coffee shop that I'm at (ohhhh it's just to beautiful for words), but I have a killer vision for my service now. Thank you!
I'm offering coaching for women/mothers who want to create more kick-assery in their lives. They want that feeling that they are ROCKIN' it instead of feeling stress, clutter, and chaos in their lives. I help them identify the areas that they're not satisfied with and create real solutions to get them the heck out of that pattern and into nearly effortless success at mothering and their own pursuits (whether that's a hobby or a money-making business). Most importantly, they find a source of power within themselves that keeps them going – no longer looking to these external tasks to define their worth or identity.