A lot of us start in business where it’s kind of a hobby, and we’re experimenting.
I totally did this, too!
I went from wanting to have a lifestyle blog and writing about my life and adventures to having a resume revamp service to a tutoring business.
Eventually, I turned The Rule Breakers’ Club into my copywriting business.
Along the way, I created a lot of products + services to try things out that didn’t necessarily all go together.
About a year ago, I was looking at my business and thought – “Wow, it’s just so scatterbrained! This product seems kind of random…how does it all go together?” – I didn’t know how to create a marketing plan to show people all of my products and services, because it just feel like different ideas with nothing in common.
In today’s video, I’m teaching you 4 steps to making your business clearer, more cohesive, and more attractive to potential clients:
The first thing I want you to do is to define the biggest goal you have for your readers, clients, and customers.
Where are you taking them?
What’s your dream for them?
Obviously, this has to be based on what people really want—the ideal life that they have in mind.
At the Rule Breaker’s Club, my big goal for you is to help you build a business that makes you as wealthy as you want and more importantly, supports you in leading the exact type of lifestyle you want to live.
It’s about giving people the power (and I’ll go over what I mean by that in a second) to create the lifestyle, business, freedom, and everything they want in their lives. That’s my big goal for my clients and customers.
The second thing I want you to do is to define the steps your readers + clients need to take to get to that goal.
You’re going to have someone coming in, and you have to imagine that they have the least amount of knowledge possible about your industry and how to get to their goal.
And you have to define little mile markers along the way so they can take baby steps towards achieving everything you dream for them.
A great way of thinking of this is to consider the education system.
You don’t send 5 year-olds to high school anymore than you should expect people who know nothing about health, business, photography, or whatever to be well-versed in your industry.
A great business meets where they are now and guides them step-by-step to where they want to be.
The third thing is that you need to create a product or service to get people from this point to the next.
What sort of product or service could help people get from beginner to intermediate? From intermediate to advanced?
You don’t have to break it down this way, but I usually recommend people to have about 4 levels in their business and create a product or service for each.
It will never work perfectly like this, and people will come in at all different levels.
But the point is, you want to have products and services for each type of person.
The fourth step is to look at the products + services you already have and see if they’re appropriate for your current business.
You can always repurpose content and rebrand things to position them for your newly evolved business.
This is the efficient way of doing things, and people do it all the time.
Let’s go over the four steps again.
The first step is to define the big, big, big goal that you have for your readers, clients, and customers.
The second step is to define each step along the way, each pit stop along the journey toward achieving that goal.
The third step is to create a product or service to get someone from each step to the next.
The fourth step is to look at your products and services and see if they fit on your sales funnel or if you need to tweak them or create new products and services.
I’d love to hear more about your big goal for your clients and customers. Go ahead and tweet them to me!
Also, if you found this video helpful, don’t forget to share it on Facebook and Twitter using the buttons below.
© Courtney Chaal 2024
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