11 Things I Will Never Apologize For


  1. Karen says:

    Thank you. I'm sitting in the airport and trying not to cry after reading this. I used to be unapologetically myself and got burned at work and in my personal life. I have to admit that my sassy-ness did cause unintended offense at times, so lack of self-awareness was part of the problem. BUT I tried so hard to do a 180 because I thought I must be a terrible person…I've lost myself. I turned into one of those people who tries to get everyone to like them and constantly apologizes, even if I know I'm not wrong. I really needed to hear this, so thank you again. Maybe I can grow up before it's too late! (p.s. The Power of Now changed my life, too!) xx

  2. Kendra says:

    Excellent post! Everyone should be real and should not have to apologize for their feelings or beliefs. Ok, yes, we probably do have to be aware of what we are saying, or perhaps more to the point is how it is said. But if it is your truth and your blog why should you have to apologize.

  3. Ava says:

    I would like to second Karen's sentiment. What a well-timed post. Thank you so much for this today.

  4. Shannon says:

    Love, love, LOVE this post!!! Such a great reminder to just be you and not be afraid to express yourself to the world. It's funny because my fiance and I were just talking about this today too! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  5. Courtney | The Rule Breaker's Club says:

    @ Karen – You're so so so welcome! It's hard to snap out of it and just say "FUCK EVERYONE ELSE", but it's absolutely necessary. Knock 'em dead!

    @ Kendra – Yes. There's an art to communication (which is why I specialize in it, hehe).

    @ Ava – Anytime, gorgeous!

    @ Shannon – Love the cosmic timing!

  6. Cordelia says:


    That's all there is to say about this, because it is entirely perfect. 🙂

  7. Heather May says:

    LOL, I love this post. This is totally me…thanks for putting the essence of me into words! Great job.

    xo HMay

  8. Sophia Chang says:

    Gawd I love this – extroverts unite!

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