3 Ways to Increase Your Income {with celebratory video}

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  1. Someone Unknown says:

    hey, I just found your site and I'm in love. I've spent a lot of time in Paris myself, learning French and the whole culture was the main purpose. Even though not really having much of a choice of moving, sounds complicated right? Not so much. Forced to move to Paris, France??? The most beautiful city in the world??? Sure sounds horrible right? Looking back now, living in another foreign country, I see the immaturity in that. Well I hope you feel good, and puzzled, about having another Parisian around. I hope you enjoyed my story and write me back!

  2. Courtney | The Rule Breaker's Club says:

    Thanks I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

  3. Desiree says:

    Great points! I have the turkey problem currently… In the form of my well-intentioned but cynical boyfriend. I even call him "Nancy" when he is being particularly negative. Obviously it would be hard to ignore him and never spend time with him (we live together), so I'm glad you added the point in there about learning to not take what the "turkeys" say seriously. I'm in the process of trying to find more "eagle" friends, hopefully that will balance things out. Thanks, great post!

  4. Reve says:

    This was very inspirational and informative. You should consider starting a podcast. I think you'd have to fill at least a half hour, but it seems in line with what you do on this blog. I listen to several podcasts, and they have sponsors and membership drives, which would allow you to further increase your income.

  5. Brbara says:


    I love your blog, i follow you since last year. I just wanna say that this video helped a lot, 'cause i do those 3 things you said. So, i'll stop now.
    Thanks a lot!

  6. Courtney | The Rule Breaker's Club says:

    Desiree – Eeesh. Negative boyfriends can be a big problem. Unfortunately, you can't change other people, but you can let them know that you're concerned about their comments. Often, they're not aware of what they're doing!

    Reve – I appreciate your ultra positive feedback!

    Barbara – You go, girl! I'm going to outline even more tips in the Project Moolah Report next month. Make sure to read it!

  7. Laura Young says:

    Great video Courtney! I hope you continue making these – you are so cute and your beautiful energy shines through in your video.
    I had never thought about giving the credit away when good things happen to/for you as being in a victim mentality! What an enlightening discovery! Thanks so much for sharing that!

  8. Christine says:

    Just a little fact-check. While turkeys can't soar like eagles, they can definitely fly!

  9. Arynetta says:

    J'Adore this vlog. So informative and inspiring. You're awesome. I just found you today via the BBabes! (Have no idea why it took so long) I am so happy I did. Your site is fun and amazing and your energy just shines, shines, shines through. For me, the last few months has been all about your #3 YOU DESERVE IT! It affects everything – thoughts & actions. This was a great reminder.

  10. Courtney says:

    Arynetta! So happy you stopped by!

  11. Hannah says:


    thanks so much for this! I'm 25 too and the first 2 things you mentioned I was like "naaah, I did that already". But the 3rd one, yeah. You got me, girl! Now I'm gonna go send you an email about how you made those rich friends!

    Love you, what an inspiration you are! <3

  12. Rahul says:

    hey…nice video….
    u r the as best as u r beautifull 😉 <3

  13. Courtney says:

    Great post, Courtney! All excellent points that ALL of us should be hearing time and time again. Couldn't agree more with you on "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind," which is such a powerful and eye-opening book that I would strongly encourage each of the viewers of this post to pick up.

    I'm tuned in – what's next?!

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