How to Make Your Writing So Exciting That It Makes People Jump Up And Down


  1. Lisa Haggis says:

    Great post, Courtney!

    I think #2 is especially important, because it's easy to just dive right in without stopping to evaluate your mood. If you can make a habit of examining your mood and doing what it takes to lift yourself up and actually get pumped to write, it makes all the difference! Thanks for the reminder to have fun 🙂

  2. Courtney | The Rule Breaker's Club says:

    Thanks Lisa! Love your stuff and so happy you enjoyed this 🙂

  3. Byron says:

    Hi Courtney.

    I was looking up the best lifestyle design blogs and came across yours. Personally for me I like your point number 2 as well. Music is so important to creating the energy in the post that you want. For me personally I'd like to change my life from the 9-5 "working for the man" lifestyle to something that is location independent and follows my passions. I'm not there yet but taking steps each day.

    The music for me is critical in assisting with writing a strong post that feels energetic to me and something i'm proud to share.

    Thanks again.

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