[Wannabe Entrepreneur Series] #1 Why you need $2K per month.

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  1. I did this! I wrote both those things down! Hand-written, on one of my many scraps of paper.

    Hugely inspiration once again; I'm trying to be in the habit of writing down my longer-term goals every day, but I know it's going to make a HUGE difference to write down my one year goal regularly too. And especially my "Why"

    Thanks, Courtney!

  2. Hannah says:

    Sometimes it's almost creepy how "God" or "The Universe" or in this case YOU, Courtney, come at EXACTLY the right time. Goosebumps.

    Yesterday I decided that I'm gonna make at least 2K per month with my business. That it's time and I'm ready to receive. (Kind of a big issue for me).

    And today I open your email <3

    I'm totally doing this and can't wait for your next emails! Big thank you and big hug,

  3. Courtney | The Rule Breaker's Club says:

    Marsha – I agree! It's good to have longer term goals as well as some more pressing goals. Hope this will help 🙂

    Hannah – you win the award for best website photos! Cracks my shit up. And I'm so happy that this came at the right time for you! Love when that happens…

  4. Courtney!
    I found myself browsing around your website for some blogging and entrepreneur tips. I finally caved and started my own blog but I'm struggling finding my "niche" and figuring out what I want to do with it?! Where is the best place to start?