Copy with humor catches people’s attention because it’s unexpected. Because of this, it makes them pay attention and read more…which ultimately leads to more sales for your business.
I’m a copywriter, not a comedian, nor do you need to be a “funny person” in order to add humor to your copy.
Watch this video ‘til the end to learn 4 easy techniques for adding more “unexpected” vibes to your copy…while staying true to your brand’s voice.
➡️ Subscribe to my YouTube channel here!
Watch next: Write an entire sales page with ChatGPT!
When you’re writing copy, it’s vital to know what “step” of the process you’re on. Adding humor comes at the END of the process.
Writing copy is different from writing jokes because first and foremost, you need to make sure you are being CLEAR with your communication.
If you’re funny without clarity, your copy might make people chuckle, but they won’t take action.
Your brain can only focus on one thing at a time, so it’s vital to break down the writing process.
Watch this video where I give you a step by step breakdown of how to write sales copy in one day.
#1 – Surprising metaphors
In The Name Your Shit Kit I teach this process I call the “metaphor machine”.
Metaphors are SO powerful as teaching tools because they link something someone already understands with something they don’t.
The problem? Most metaphors are cliche, overused, and make people’s eyes glaze over.
#2 – Unexpected examples
Take an abstract concept in your copy and come up with an example of that concept that is not expected.
For example: In my last video teaching how to get chat gpt to write in your voice I used writing fan mail to Beyonce as an example of something you could do to test how well chatGPT imitates your voice. That is unexpected!
#3 – Cliches with a twist
I want you to go through your writing and find cliché phrases. Change them out for something more unexpected!
“For the love of God” becomes “For the love of Justin Timberlake”
“Holy guacamole” becomes “Holy avocado”
“I don’t give 2 flying f*cks” becomes “I don’t give 2 flying spaceships”
#4 – Break the 4th wall
In marketing there’s this unspoken, unconscious rule that we don’t actually come out and say what we’re trying to do…we try to be clever and sneaky about it. That’s what’s expected.
Example: “Get on my email list so I can make more money” is hilarious and honest.
Want my best sales page copywriting tips?
➡️ If you haven’t downloaded my free Sales Page Template yet, get it here!
➡️ I have an entire playlist on my YouTube channel all about writing sales copy!
➡️Watch my free training on How to Write Sales Copy So Good Your Dream Clients Want to Hire You on the Spot!
© Courtney Chaal 2024
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